Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Leather Jacket......A Necessity for EVERY Wardrobe

I don't care if you are a size 0 or a size 16; the leather jacket is a must in every closet.  I prefer the black leather jacket, but a brown or tan one is also fab! If your budget allows have a black, brown, red, and even white.  If you pick out the right style of jacket it will never go out of style and last you for years!

My very plain black motorcycle jacket from Banana Republic is heading into season eight in my wardrobe.  She is no rookie to my wardrobe, and is actually one of my stand out veterans.  She goes with me everywhere in the fall.  I pair her with denim, black pants, dresses, skirts, khaki's, you name it and she goes.

If you would like to own a loyal and tried and true jacket like mine, stick with the basic. Leave the ones with all the zippers, snaps, and bows in the store.  Yes, the ones with studs might be out next year, but if your budget permits grab one, they are hot.  Mine has a zipper on each sleeve, but the zipper is not the focal point of the jacket.

You ask, what makes a great leather jacket? The leather itself.  It it looks cheap it probably is.  You want butter, you want soft, you want supple, and rouching is always awesome! There is nothing wrong with faux leather, but get a faux leather jacket in a trendy style. They don't last long.  You can find great faux leather jackets that are very trendy for under $60.  Go ahead and buy one, you won't feel bad when next season you don't even look twice at it. But as far as your veteran jacket you want around for a long time; plan on spending anywhere from $250 to $500.  Any price over $500 is a gimmick and really, who cares if it is made in a building located on a cobble stone street in Italy!

Please stay away from the cropped version unless you are twenty something and have a rocking body! Or you have a body that is straight up and down; think Heather Locklear or Sharon Stone. A cropped jacket on a pear shape accentuates the pear and hides the waist which is what you want to accentuate!  A cropped jacket on an apple truly makes you look like your legs are sticks and you are one caramel apple that has eaten too much caramel!

You want one that hits you right at your hip. You don't want boxy; you want fitted. A little padding in the shoulder is okay and a longer version is hot too! You can go for funky, sophisticated, sexy or conservative. You know what category you fall into.   Remember it is all about the fit, the leather, and you feeling confident when wearing it!

Fashion is fun, flirty, and shows the world who you are!

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