Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Short Sleeved Blazer

Let's talk about one of fall's looks that seems to be rolling into our stores, and trying to make their way into our closets: the short sleeved blazer. I do like it, but it is not a MUST for fall!

If you think you cannot pass by this look, let me give you some tips on how to wear it.  This blazer looks best in a layered look.  What would be really hot is a tight long sleeve tshirt under the blazer.  Rock the combo with a pair of skinny jeans and boots and you are off and running to the local coffee house or dinner looking hip and chic.  Another way to wear it is with a crisp white shirt under the blazer.  Now, the fit of the white shirt is important.  The shirt has to be fit almost perfect through the bodice and sleeves.  A 3/4 length white shirt underneath would be hot! Pair this look with a boot cut jean and hot stilleto and you have your Friday office casual look down and screaming I am one fashionista!

Of course with the tshirt version, for a much more casual look you could put a tank top or short sleeve tee under the blazer, layer a few necklaces. Do not go BIG and BOLD with accessories with this look. Keep it simple!

As far as color goes for the blazer, stick with khaki's, black, or grey.  Don't go for the red or the green.  Stick with the basics.  This look is bold enough; you don't need to add a stand out color. 

The only reason I say it is not a MUST for fall is because I LOVE the blazer and think it is more economical and smart to buy one with full sleeves. If you have extra money hanging around, go for it!  If you don't have extra money, but really want this look, head to H&M or Forever 21 or some other store that carries trends for a lot mess money!

As always with fashion, have fun with it, and make it your own! 

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